
  • Abdul Munir Mulkhan Islamic Education Faculty of Islamic Study University of Sunan Kalijaga
  • Mifedwil Jandra Mohd Janan Fakulti Tamadun Islam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Aminudin Hehsan Fakulti Tamadun Islam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Mocopatan Songs, Education, Sufism Value.


This article discusses the value of Sufism in Javanese songs written down in Kitab Bayan Budiman (the Book of Bayan Budiman) which was until 1980s so popular in the majority of society in the eastern part of East Java province. Different from the story of Bayan Budiman which is written in Malayan language, Javanese songs from this book are delivered orally in Mocopatan tradition which is usually held in family events, such as mitoni (to celebrate someone’s 7 month pregnancy), baby born, and wedding. The cognition of Islam teachings in society grows simultaneously as the Mocopatan tradition itself is getting stronger. The Sufism values developed as part of the people’s life surpass the cognition of Islam teachings gotten from formal school activity. Unfortunately, the songs in this book are no longer sung in Mocopatan as modern technology and schools develop fast. Nevertheless, the values experienced in the people’s life have colored the practice of Islam teaching in their life. Mocopatan tradition has faded away as legal Islamic law approach develops in Islamic education and teaching, so there is more formal attitude toward life. In many cases, the growing trend of legalistic is followed by the fading of the more courteous life. The stride of Sufi has penetrated the cultural boundaries and leaves strong influence in society for an unlimited time, and it also forms a more polite life which is far from conflict and violence. Furthermore, this problem needs to be discussed further in a different research.

Author Biographies

Abdul Munir Mulkhan, Islamic Education Faculty of Islamic Study University of Sunan Kalijaga

Islamic Education
Faculty of Islamic Study, University of Sunan Kalijaga

Aminudin Hehsan, Fakulti Tamadun Islam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Fakulti Tamadun Islam

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

81310 UTM Johor Bahru


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How to Cite

Mulkhan, A. M., Mohd Janan, M. J., & Hehsan, A. (2016). THE SINGS OF SUFI IN JAVANESE SONGS IN KITAB BAYAN BUDIMAN. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 3(2).



Civilizational Studies