
  • Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli Centre for Islamic Thought & Understanding (CITU), INTEC Education College.
  • Jaffary Awang Jabatan Usuluddin dan Falsafah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia




Interfaith dialogue, missionary, religious tolerance, religious pluralism.


The existence of a pluralistic society, particularly in terms of race, religion and culture requires a platform in the community. In this case, interreligious dialogue is seen as an effective platform to build mutual understanding and tolerance among society. However, the practice of dialogue in society ironically based on a wrong understanding of interreligious dialogue, which is part of the religious pluralism method from West, and some regard it as a debate. Consequently, the phenomenon raises negative perceptions and understanding among the public about the true concept of interfaith dialogue. Therefore, this article discusses the concept of interreligious dialogue in the Islamic arena. The research design is qualitative using library research. The results show that Islam outlines three concepts of interreligious dialogue, the debate; da‘wah and building mutual understanding and good relations between religions. Here in particular the importance of interfaith dialogue among the players to understand the concept of interreligious dialogue to ensure the implementation of the dialogue takes place within the actual concept.


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How to Cite

Ramli, A. F., & Awang, J. (2016). DIALOG ANTARA AGAMA MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM(AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ON INTERFAITH DIALOGUE). UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.11113/umran2016.3n2.74



Civilizational Studies